A Different Kind of Candle

Want to know what sets my candle apart from everyone else? Intention, love, and purpose. Everything we do in this life should always start with our Father. What can I do to please you Lord? To bring me closer to you. To honor you. So that I can glorify your name and live a life according to your will and purpose. We all know the things we must do for a more intimate relationship with God. We know that through prayer, scripture reading, meditation, and praise that it will bring us closer to him. However, we must first create a space where we are inviting God to speak to us through spirit and in truth. A space away from worldly wants and cloudy judgements. We must learn how to separate ourselves and set our intentions and focus on only him.

Each candle comes with an affirmation card that has a scripture for meditation. One candle per scripture, all seven candles were inspired by specific scriptures and when lit, will release all spiritual limitations. The flame, scent, and crystals are messenger's of light to the Father that you are present, willing, and able. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and to show you the way. Submit to God's will for your life.